
Welcome to you all.
In these pages we shall try our best to analyse all aspect of apolitical thoughts,whether  those thoughts are so many centuries old or new accordance with the recent situations of the world. Please remember thoughts are notion's and ides accordance with own thinking and own brainstorming. But time is proper and main factor that can change the situation affiliated with conditional environment. World top level scholars and wise persons describe different definitions of word "politics" and also wrote many books and articles on "political science".Here we shall also try to analyze the some related questions such,political science is a really a science or it is thoroughly thoritical notions,thoughts and ideas,But what about science and science definition?Always remember", science is the knowledge based upon data derived from observations and experiments". In science different experiments are carry out to understand the truth of related facts. But ,because observations are completed with feelings, with thoughts and with naked eyes. Remember observations are directly related with our five sensitive. But in political matters only experiences are gains .In very broad view one can claim
" foolish are call for doing other jobs without fees"
"Ask others to do some kinds of work for others without some kinds of money or reword"
"Request others people to carry a job for future brights hops ,as in Pakistan  only dark premise are raised during political campaigns and these are forgotten after achieving success for future five years and politicians hide themselves in a cold and dark rooms.
This is not only try for some nations and country of the world but entire world is under the ground of new and old political thoughts.


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